Sentence example with the word 'peddling'


consumer preference study, direct-mail selling, high-pressure salesmanship, low-pressure salesmanship, marketing, merchandising, piddling, retailing, salesmanship, soft sell, wholesaling

Definition n. the act of selling goods for a living

Last update: October 15, 2015


A delicious smell mixing with giggles and laughter wafted from a sidewalk table where a group of young girls were peddling baked goodies.   [Please select]


He saw the image of wax and thought that it was a boy peddling bananas.   [Please select]


A sudden fierce repulsion swept over him for peddling, for Ricks, for himself.   [Please select]


Hollis says he was peddling goods up at Main street and the bridge last night.   [Please select]


Finally the Fourteenth Point arises again to the Great Charter level out of this peddling with special cases.   [Please select]


Daisy, who was fond of going about peddling kisses, lost her best customer and became bankrupt.   [Please select]


Just as Rand had expected, Goode began peddling the same line as Varcek and Dunmore before him.   [Please select]

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peddles - peddling - pederasty