Sentence example with the word 'pekins'


Last update: July 27, 2015


As in the case of the Pekins avoid any birds which have green or olive colored bills.   [Please select]


In type the Calls are practically miniature Pekins except that they should have a very short, rather broad head and bill.   [Please select]


Pekins and Aylesbury can be mated in the proportion of one drake to 6 to 8 ducks.   [Please select]


81] * * * * [Page 60] PEKINS With this name we designate fabrics in which stripes of a different interlacing run in the direction of the warp.   [Please select]


Upper--Young Pekins which on account of their size, thriftiness and rapid growth were selected out of a lot about to be killed for market and saved for breeders.   [Please select]


84] * * * * * [Page 63] BAYADÈRES While pekins are formed by warp stripes, bayadère shows us stripes of different weaves running in the direction of the filling.   [Please select]

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pekin - pekins - pekoe