Sentence example with the word 'pelisses'


Last update: October 26, 2015


Other products are manna, suffron, asafoetida and other gums. The chief manufactures are swords, stoneware, carpets and rugs, woollens, cottons, silks and sheepskin pelisses (pustin, Afghan poshtin).   [Please select]


Did not you give us leave to take from the Sheep a trifling contribution for our pelisses in winter.   [Please select]


He swore to kill these Beauvaises, and after many fruitless endeavors, he succeeded in smothering them in their gray pelisses.   [Please select]


But the attention of the crowdofficials, burghers, shopkeepers, peasants, and women in cloaks and in pelisseswas so eagerly centered on what was passing in Lobnoe Place that no one answered him.   [Please select]


Brocklehursts nose, that he was within a yard of me, and that a spread of shot orange and purple silk pelisses and a cloud of silvery plumage extended and waved below me.   [Please select]

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pelisse - pelisses - pellagra