Sentence example with the word 'perceivable'


apparent, detectable, explicit, in evidence, indubitable, observable, outcropping, plain, self-evident, to be seen, unmistakable

Definition adj. capable of being perceived especially by sight or hearing

Last update: August 9, 2015


For students of modern psychology nothing more need be said on this point--the concrete issues are perceivable in the case histories.   [Please select]


A distant object therefore cannot act on the eye; nor consequently make itself or its properties perceivable to the soul.   [Please select]


Sensible things are all immediately perceivable; and those things which are immediately perceivable are ideas; and these exist only in the mind.   [Please select]


Supposing you were annihilated, cannot you conceive it possible that things perceivable by sense may still exist.   [Please select]


Yes, Philonous, I grant the existence of a sensible thing consists in being perceivable, but not in being actually perceived.   [Please select]


Pray are not the objects perceived by the SENSES of one, likewise perceivable to others present.   [Please select]


Is it not perceivable that it had, on the contrary, a staling quality.   [Please select]


What he perceives by sense, that he terms a real, being, and saith it IS OR EXISTS; but, that which is not perceivable, the same, he saith, hath no being.   [Please select]

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percaline - perceivable - perceive