Sentence example with the word 'perennially'


ad infinitum, connectedly, daily, ever, hour after hour, interminably, on and on, regularly, time without end, uninterruptedly, without letup

Definition adv. in a perennial manner

Last update: October 19, 2015


The so-called Whittlesey Wash, in the neighbourhood of the town, is among several tracts in the fens which are perennially flooded.   [Please select]


Our brown and green old mother; our kindly, bounteous mother; our radiant, our queenly mother, old, and yet perennially, radiantly young.   [Please select]


What merits keep the old stories alive and make them perennially fascinating to children of all nations.   [Please select]


And Lady Ullswater sidled up, shaking her wonderful head of perennially chestnut hair.   [Please select]


This brother, Simon Jefferson, though stockily built and evidently well- fed, wore an air of lassitude, as if perennially tired.   [Please select]


The sun went north and south, no doubt, as now, but the temperature, even in the relative winter, seems to have remained perennially mild and genial.   [Please select]


Supposing you were to try deserting your perennially youthful bride the Great Adventure, or the High Romance, or the New Jerusalem, or whatsoever you call her.   [Please select]

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perennial - perennially - perennials