Sentence example with the word 'perjurers'


Last update: August 26, 2015


That so clear-headed a man could have credited the lies of Oates and the other perjurers is beyond belief; and the manner in which he excited baseless alarms, and encouraged fanatic cruelty, for nothing but party advantage, is without excuse.   [Please select]


Take care what you say, and consider well what punishment awaits perjurers.   [Please select]


You know that I have no mercy for perjurers and false swearers.   [Please select]


"Do you think the gods will come to the help of perjurers and deceivers."   [Please select]


The men who have sworn to those lies are perjurers, and should be punished for their crimes.   [Please select]


, ordering every village to set up a pillory when required for bakers who used false weights, perjurers, and so on.   [Please select]


Not often did such gowns sweep the dust brought in by plebeian feet, nor such Venetian point collars rub shoulders with the frowsy Norwich drugget worn by hireling perjurers or starveling clerks.   [Please select]


When her lips had touched the dirty little book, greasy with the kisses of innumerable perjurers, the Serjeant began to question her in a tone of odious familiarity.   [Please select]

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perjurer - perjurers - perjuries