Sentence example with the word 'personifications'


Last update: June 13, 2015


His first work (1804) was an attempt to show by means of their names that the giants of the Bible and of Greek mythology were personifications of natural phenomena.   [Please select]


ATTRIBUTES OF THE DEITIES Many of the Olympian deities appear to have been simply personifications of natural phenomena.   [Please select]


Never, she thought, had she seen such personifications of brute power as were represented by these mighty bulls.   [Please select]


Among these personifications we find Thaumas, Phorcys, and their sister Ceto, who were the offspring of Pontus.   [Please select]


The Sirens would appear to have been personifications of those numerous rocks and unseen dangers, which abound on the S.   [Please select]


Its austere brevity, its well-known personifications, its freedom from fulsome expressions, place it very high among patriotic utterances.   [Please select]


Many at least of these monsters were simply personifications of the human passions or of the malign and destructive forces of nature.   [Please select]

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personification - personifications - personified