Sentence example with the word 'perspicuous'


acute, clear as crystal, crystalline, explicit, gracile, luculent, patent, plain as day, self-explaining, transpicuous, unmistakable

Definition adj. (of language) transparently clear

Last update: October 9, 2015


Notwithstanding Avogadro's perspicuous investigation, and a similar exposition of the atom and molecule by A.   [adjective]


John Walker, to whose initiative the charts published by the admiralty are indebted for the perspicuous, firm and yet artistic execution, which facilitate their use by the mariner, was also the author of the maps published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (1829-1840).   [adjective]


His style is perfectly perspicuous, and its "strong home-touch" compensates for what is lacking in elasticity and grace.   [Please select]


Bunyan he admired for his genius and perspicuous style rather than for his sentiments.   [Please select]


But Sir John, less perspicuous or less scrupulous in the matter, had his retort ready.   [Please select]


"To this objection I shall make a just and perspicuous reply."   [Please select]


But the general tenor, though not elegant, is plain and perspicuous; and such has it been here retained.   [Please select]


"Go read the Most Perspicuous Book and see what is there enjoined as a duty upon every True-Believer."   [Please select]


But there was something in her face that haunted him--a wistful, appealing delicacy, which yet was associated with an instant readiness of intellect, with a perspicuous judgment and a gift of organization.   [Please select]


The dialect of the Koreish was usually called the clear or "perspicuous" Arabic, but the Hamaritic dialect approached nearer to the purity of the mother Syriac.   [Please select]

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pester - perspicuous - petty