Sentence example with the word 'petulance'


arbitrariness, capriciousness, discontent, envy, griping, humorsomeness, peevishness, resentfulness, squawk, unsatisfaction

Definition n. an irritable petulant feeling

Last update: July 6, 2015


He tore up the letter in a fit of petulance.   [Please select]


After getting a shot, the infant showed increased signs of petulance and would not stop crying.   [Please select]


Symptoms of migraines include pain, blurred vision, and petulance.    [Please select]


He does not follow his master to the field against the Philistines; he is an obscure untried shepherd lad sent by his father with supplies for his brothers in the Israelite camp. He does not even present himself before the king, and his brothers treat him with a petulance hardly conceivable if he stood well at court, and it 1 But four in xvii.   [Please select]


He shrugged his shoulder as to a boyish petulance, for he thought it an idle boast.   [Please select]


Looking back over a single week, he was obliged to register 'petulance twice' and 'complacent visions'.   [Please select]


But the brilliant successes of his second term made men forget the earlier days of petulance and petty bickerings.   [Please select]


"I don't like either the one or the other," said Rose, with a very unusual touch of petulance.   [Please select]


Gabriella had become perfectly serious, and to Miss Polly's amazement a hint of petulance showed in her manner.   [Please select]


"Bid them make an end of that screeching," she snapped to vent some of her fierce petulance.   [Please select]


One little cur, however, was particularly troublesome, and at length carried his petulance so far as to bite the Newfoundland dog in the back of his foot.   [Please select]

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petty - petulance - petulances