Sentence example with the word 'petuntse'


Last update: July 15, 2015


But genuine porcelain is made from a mixture of quite different materials--a mixture of decomposed feldspar known as kaolin, and petuntse.   [Please select]


Cookworthy's Discovery of Kaolin and Petuntse, and Patent -- Sold to Mr.   [Please select]


"Already I have told you that the Chinese made beautiful porcelains from kaolin and petuntse, two clays which produced a hard, semi-transparent china," he began.   [Please select]


Gradually, however, it became better, until now--although England turns out almost no true porcelain, that is, the scientifically blended kaolin and petuntse clays--she makes some of the most beautiful and durable china manufactured anywhere.   [Please select]

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petunias - petuntse - pewee