Sentence example with the word 'philippic'


abuse, attack, debate, filibuster, hard words, jeremiad, prepared speech, recitation, screed, talkathon, vilification

Definition n. a speech of violent denunciation

Last update: January 30, 2017


On that occasion he delivered his last great philippic against slavery.   [Please select]


Selfridge Merry, installed in the honorary arm-chairs tacitly reserved for them, paused to listen to the younger man's philippic.   [Please select]


In truth, the present philippic is as necessary to the completeness of the whole of Nietzsche's system as the keystone is to the arch.   [Please select]


Then in the Senate-chamber, with Catiline himself present, Cicero exposed the whole conspiracy in a famous philippic, known as "The First Oration against Catiline."   [Please select]

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