Sentence example with the word 'philistinism'


Definition n. a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters

Last update: August 2, 2015


With this double ideal in view, Petrarch poured scorn upon the French physicians and the Italian Averroists for their illiberal philistinism, no less than for their materialistic impiety.   [Please select]


Unreceptive as his philistinism may have seemed to these delightful youngsters, it was apparent enough to him that they had taught him a great deal.   [Please select]


The which disdain for art was, however, I am content to think, as naught in comparison with the withering artistic disdain felt, and sometimes revealed, by those Latin and German artists for Anglo-Saxon Philistinism.   [Please select]


It was in his time that Philistinism met its match in Oscar Wilde, and for the first time in its history felt its self-complacency shaken.   [Please select]


With the loss of that pride it blundered, and it remained for du Maurier to show that the height of Philistinism in a Philistine is to pretend not to be a Philistine.   [Please select]


The fact is, Borrow's really great books were _Lavengro_ and _The Romany Rye_, and the latter had fallen almost dead from the press, smothered by Victorian respectability and philistinism.   [Please select]

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