Sentence example with the word 'pierrot'


Definition n. a male character in French pantomime

Last update: August 13, 2015


I saw a pierrot in a circus.   [Please select]


Perrot or Pierrot, the diminutive of the proper name Pierre), the name given 1 "Parakeet" (in Shakespeare, i Hen.   [Please select]


Perhaps the coachmen had assumed Pierrot costumes and were rushing about the streets on foot yelling with the rest of the population.   [Please select]


Miss Scatcherd is hastyyou must take care not to offend her; Madame Pierrot is not a bad sort of person.   [Please select]


I understood her very well, for I had been accustomed to the fluent tongue of Madame Pierrot.   [Please select]


"Pierrot," he cried, turning to one of the boatmen, "il y a des belles demoiselles là, n'est-ce pas."'   [Please select]


Pierrot's murderer, instead of dying as I have told it, was killed in his attempt to escape the Royal Mounted farther west.   [Please select]


And this was straight into the trapping country of Pierrot, the half-breed.   [Please select]


Pierrot, until two years ago, had believed himself to be one of the most fortunate men in the big wilderness.   [Please select]


Ingred planned enough entertainments to supply a Pierrot troupe for a month, but abandoned most of them as being quite impossible to act with the very limited resources that were available at the hostel.   [Please select]


The 'Nussbaum' is neither better nor worse than 'Mon ami Pierrot' when _I_ am the singer; for I am _Svengali_; and you shall hear nothing, see nothing, think of nothing but _Svengali, Svengali, Svengali_.   [Please select]

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piercingly - pierrot - pierrots