Sentence example with the word 'pinioning'


Last update: October 17, 2015


P. 133), meaning a bird that has undergone the operation of pinioning or, as in one part at least of England it is commonly called, "pin-winging."   [Please select]


The smokestack toppled to the deck, pinioning many more beneath it.   [Please select]


At the same instant a stout rope was drawn about him, pinioning his arms to his sides.   [Please select]


Pinioning consists of cutting off the first joint of one wing.   [Please select]


Monsieur," he murmured softly, pinioning the other with his weight and smiling insolently, "we've a long ride ahead of us.   [Please select]


The light revealed, under Lad's gently pinioning forepaw, the crouching and badly scared Melisande--the $1100 Prussian sheep dog.   [Please select]


The fireman passed round behind, and suddenly fell upon him, throwing him on the floor and pinioning his arms to his back.   [Please select]


The Indian, pinioning the wrists of his captive with his own hand of steel, dragged him with us into this circle of light.   [Please select]


Before Hal could recover his composure, which had left him at being so suddenly accosted, the woman had thrown her arms around his neck, pinioning his hands to his side.   [Please select]

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pinioned - pinioning - pinions