Sentence example with the word 'pioneered'


Last update: June 30, 2015


In still another unpopular field, that of labor and capital, _The Revolution_ also pioneered fearlessly, asking for shorter hours and lower wages for workers, as it pointed out labor's valuable contribution to the development of the country.   [Please select]


What was called "modern abolitionism," as distinguished from the less aggressive form of opposition to slavery, which preceded the movement pioneered by Garrison, they at once accepted, as soon as it was set before them, through the agents of the American Anti-Slavery Society, in the campaign in Pennsylvania, begun in 1836.   [Please select]


Even Horace Greeley lamely supported them in a _Tribune_ editorial which Susan read with disgust: "It is plain that the experiment of Female Suffrage is to be tried; and, while we regard it with distrust, we are quite willing to see it pioneered by Kansas."   [Please select]

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pioneer - pioneered - pioneering