Sentence example with the word 'plausibly'


Definition adv. easy to believe on the basis of available evidence

Last update: June 12, 2015


There is some reason, however, to suppose that before this the capital of the Monomotapa was situated much farther south, and it may plausibly be identified with the most extensive ruins as yet known, viz.   [Please select]


(Plausibly) You know that old joke, rose of Castile.   [Please select]


"I'm talking to you as I would to my niece, you know," he added, plausibly.'   [Please select]


That such a thing could be plausibly alleged, and generally believed, is itself important, and history must take account of popular views.   [Please select]


That he was not thoroughly acquainted with the periods preceding his own may be more plausibly argued.   [Please select]


He answered me very plausibly on some points, he obviously had collected some evidence and prepared himself cleverly.   [Please select]


And the sense of natural justice may be plausibly appealed to in behalf of every one of these opinions.   [Please select]


"They were given me by a person who owed me money," he said, plausibly.   [Please select]


Those who have known sorrow can best depict it--not perhaps most plausibly, but most convincingly--and with fewer accessories, more reticence, and--better taste.   [Please select]


He could make thieves and villains on the stage speak glibly and plausibly; certainly he could do as much for himself.   [Please select]


The absence of noisy mourners, and the unusual hour of night, were plausibly accounted for by the dreaded disease that Grim had invented for the occasion.   [Please select]

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plausible - plausibly - playa