Sentence example with the word 'playfulness'


animal spirits, devilment, esprit, frivolity, gusto, life, piss and vinegar, roguishness, spirit, trickery, vitality, zest

Definition n. a festive merry feeling

Last update: October 5, 2015


Of all Darer's works, it is the one in which he most deliberately rivalled the combined splendour and playfulness of certain phases of Italian art.   [Please select]


The smile which accompanied the words had in it a strange mixture of playfulness and sadness.   [Please select]


This bird never showed any playfulness of disposition; indeed, he had too much dignity to do so.   [Please select]


A captivating flash of playfulness came into her face and she sprang backward, giving the sword a semicircular turn with her wrist.   [Please select]


Then rising hurriedly and throwing off his playfulness, he strode to the door and tried to open it.   [Please select]


"But then you can have no friends if your rooms are full of babies," Madame von Marwitz objected, still with mild playfulness.   [Please select]


Yet, we are told, 'the sense of his authority as a father was never lost in his playfulness as a companion'.   [Please select]


The man expanded under her smiles, her teasing, her playfulness, her affection.   [Please select]


There is the serene dignity of Socrates, with gleams of playfulness thrown across its cool, religious shades, the princely mildness of Cyrus, and the more domestic elegance of the husband in the Economics.   [Please select]


These are written daily, in a beautiful, fair, round hand, well-composed, showing attention, and memory well-trained, with many pleasing sallies of playfulness, and some very interesting thoughts.   [Please select]

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playfully - playfulness - playgoer