Sentence example with the word 'pleasantness'


advantageousness, benevolence, cheerfulness, desert, favorableness, good cheer, healthiness, optimism, rosy expectation, superiority, virtuousness

Definition n. the feeling caused by agreeable stimuli

Last update: July 27, 2015


As Dean served them, it was apparent any early attempts at public pleasantness were gone, replaced by growls and stares that announced how thoroughly they despised one another.   [Please select]


If a man would pass his life in ease and pleasantness, let him take the right-hand path.   [Please select]


Still, it must not be imagined that there was any pleasantness in their lives.   [Please select]


It makes everybody feel pleasant, and the maids can work faster and easier when their hearts are full of pleasantness.   [Please select]


These two cases illustrate the two simple feelings, pleasantness and unpleasantness.   [Please select]


Situations may sometimes be neutral; that is, may arouse neither the feeling of pleasantness or unpleasantness.   [Please select]


There is pleasantness, of course, but there is in addition the feeling of all the bodily reactions.   [Please select]

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pleasantly - pleasantness - pleasantnesses