Sentence example with the word 'plenipotentiaries'


Last update: September 12, 2015


It was published partly in compliance with his father's wishes, who thought that the proof of some literary talent might introduce him favourably to public notice, and secure the recommendation of his friends for some appointment in connexion with the mission of the English plenipotentiaries to the congress at Augsburg which was at that time in contemplation.   [Please select]


They were laid by Clancarty before the plenipotentiaries, and were adopted by the Allied Sovereigns assembled in London on June 21, 1814.   [Please select]


About the beginning of winter, the plenipotentiaries of the several belligerents assembled at Nimeguen, where the congress for peace was held.   [Please select]


The squabbling, arguing, trifling plenipotentiaries of the powers had burst into gigantic laughter--literally, actual merriment, albeit of a somewhat grim character.   [Please select]


The negotiations proved abortive, and the result of the renewed hostilities justified the action of the Balkan plenipotentiaries in breaking them off.   [Please select]


The faith of the Mussulman is a better sanction than the seal of the European Diplomats and plenipotentiaries.   [Please select]


The plenipotentiaries having been long acquainted, were disposed to treat each other with confidence.   [Please select]


The father was one of the Plenipotentiaries who signed in London the Convention of the 3rd July, 1815.   [Please select]


When the plenipotentiaries arrived in Paris, the Directory was at the height of its power, and Talleyrand was its minister of foreign affairs.   [Please select]


“The following Latin poem, from the pen of the well-known German poet, Gustave Schwetschke, was distributed by Prince Bismarck’s special request amongst the Plenipotentiaries immediately after the last sitting on Saturday: “‘GAUDEAMUS CONGRESSIBILE.   [Please select]

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plenary - plenipotentiaries - plenipotentiary