Sentence example with the word 'plexus'


afferent neuron, central nervous system, filigree, gridiron, intertwinement, mesh, network, reticulum, solar plexus, trelliswork, white matter

Definition n. a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels

Last update: June 27, 2015


In the polyp the nervous tissue is always in the form of a scattered plexus, never concentrated to form a definite nervous system as in the medusa.   [Please select]


How can he touch and wake the solar plexus of labour.   [Please select]


It's simply the difference between jump in, rough-and-tumble, kick-with-the-heels-and-butt-with-the-head nigger fighting, and this grin-and-look-pleasant, dodge-and-save-your-wind-till-you-see-a-chance-to-land-on-the-solar-plexus style of the trained athlete.   [Please select]


Plexus: a knot: applied to a knot-like mass of nerves, or tracheae.   [Please select]


But in the plexus of financial affairs in which he moved and lived he felt--a difference.   [Please select]


She had queer feelings in her solar-plexus and indeed a general luxury of over-feeling.   [Please select]

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plexiform - plexus - plexuses