Sentence example with the word 'pliability'


abulia, bendability, cowardice, facility, flexibility, impressionability, motivation, responsiveness, suppleness, unloathness, willingness

Definition n. the property of being easily bent without breaking

Last update: August 21, 2015


But neither of them is a copy, as Friar Bonaventura in Ford's second play may be said to be a copy of Friar Lawrence, whose kindly pliability he disagreeably exaggerates, or as D'Avolos in Love's Sacrifice is clearly modelled on Iago.   [Please select]


There is every reason to suppose that their mental capacities in other directions have something of the same pliability.   [Please select]


He had all its pliability, its good humor, its broad and easy way with things, its passion for playing politics.   [Please select]


Beneath her pliability she was now all firmness; the pliability had become a mockery.   [Please select]


This substance is undoubtedly designed not only to nourish the hair, but to give it richness and pliability.   [Please select]


Bad management impairs the pliability of the wool, by arresting the secretion of the yolk.   [Please select]


Flexibility is not the exact counterpart of stiffness, as it also involves toughness and pliability.   [Please select]

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plexuses - pliability - pliable