Sentence example with the word 'polyp'


abdominal hernia, boil, chancre, duodenal ulcer, festering, gumboil, papule, pimple, stigma, ulceration

Definition n. a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane

Last update: September 6, 2015


(I) The polyp (hydropolyp) is of simple structure, typically much longer than broad, without ectodermal oesophagus or mesenteries, such as are seen in the anthopolyp (see article Anthozoa); the mouth is usually raised above the peristome on a short conical elevation or hypostome; the ectoderm is without cilia.   [Please select]


Each column undulated and swelled like the ring of a polyp.   [Please select]


_Hydra_, the freshwater polyp, is one of the simplest of the Hydrozoa both as regards structure and as regards life-history.   [Please select]


If a small animal comes in contact with the tentacles of the polyp, it instantly becomes paralysed.   [Please select]


If the polyp is starved or exposed to a high temperature, these particles disappear and it becomes practically colourless.   [Please select]


BAKER, "An attempt towards a natural history of the Polyp"* (London).   [Please select]


_Aboral_ (or _basal_) The disk by means of which a free polyp _disk_ attaches itself to external objects.   [Please select]


_Column_ The upright or potentially upright part of a polyp (_q.)   [Please select]


The part of the egg that is in contact with the parent-polyp is bare.   [Please select]


Indeed, it differs little as regards structure from the ideally simple coelenterate sketched in a former paragraph, while its descent is direct from one polyp to another, every generation laying its own eggs[AL].   [Please select]


Sometimes the cyst adheres to the thread and remains attached to its cnidoblast and to the polyp, but sometimes the thread breaks loose.   [Please select]

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