Sentence example with the word 'pompousness'


Definition n. lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity

Last update: September 11, 2015


The names of Bossuet, Flechier, Bourdaloue, Fenelon and Massillon, all supreme preachers, despite a certain artificial pompousness, belong here, and on the reformed side are Jean Claude (d.   [Please select]


A great landowner was remarkable for the pompousness of his manner.   [Please select]


None of the deacon's pompousness was abated as he entered the house and the room.   [Please select]


"Brother," said the Akasava chief, not without a touch of pompousness, "I have covered my bow with the skin of a monkey."   [Please select]

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pompously - pompousness - pomps