Sentence example with the word 'ported'


Last update: August 24, 2015


The style of cultivation vanes according to the)43 209,942 266,982 nature of the ground, terraces sup ~52 14,709 11,910 ported by stone walls being much;83 173,537 322,627 used in mountainous districts.   [Please select]


At this time a vessel arrived from Sian, and ported here on its way to an embassy at Manila.   [Please select]


The North had many places, each with superior plant, besides which the oversea munition world was far more at the service of the open-ported North than of the close-blockaded South.   [Please select]


The flagship "Sancta Margarita," after the death of the general and most of the crew, ported at the Ladrones Islands and anchored at Zarpana.   [Please select]

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portcullises - ported - portend