Sentence example with the word 'prattler'


agreeable rattle, big talker, blabber, blabbermouth, chatterbox, gabber, gasbag, great talker, idle chatterer, jay, moulin a paroles, prater, windbag, word-slinger

Definition n. someone who speaks in a childish way

Last update: June 13, 2015


"Hold thy peace, prattler," replied the princess, "and do not disturb that happy repose which I have enjoyed so long."   [Please select]


That, instead, this volatile, fickle prattler had used her so long as she needed her, and then dropped her heartlessly.   [Please select]


Angela put the little prattler aside, more gently, perhaps, than the mother had done, and passed hurriedly on to Lady Fareham's room.   [Please select]


But let us stop at the threshold of this sketch, because it is plainly one for the skilled novelist, rather than the rambling, loitering prattler, to undertake.   [Please select]


No one heard the little prattler, As once more he climbed the stair, Reached his little cap and tippet, Standing on the entry stair.   [Please select]

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prattled - prattler - prattlers