Sentence example with the word 'prayerful'


adorant, cadging, devoted, faithful, in the dust, petitionary, precatory, reverential, supplicant, venerational

Definition adj. disposed to pray or appearing to pray

Last update: June 13, 2015


The old-fashioned nun had spent her time behind high walls in prayerful contemplation; the one object of the Sister of Charity was the service of her neighbour.   [Please select]


The countessher prayerful mood dispelledlooked round and frowned.   [Please select]


Blunt to see even as much as her back glide out of the house on her prayerful errand.   [Please select]


She had grown thinner and whiter, and her soft eyes bigger and more prayerful.   [Please select]


"It will be good for your soul if you but listen to him in a prayerful mood."   [Please select]


Doubt not that your boy shall meet you there, if there be a blessing on our tender and prayerful guidance of him.   [Please select]


And as for the last, which is cubical, that'll see you, it's my prayerful wish, into a better land.'   [Please select]


_" and Boo shut his eyes wearily, feeling that his late trials had not left him in a prayerful mood."   [Please select]


I prefer the quiet of the country to the excitement of the city, so I shall seek some remote village and give myself up to--shall I say prayerful meditation.   [Please select]


Next to him, her party dress and slipper-bag concealed by a rain-coat, sat Annette, hot and rebellious, and in anything but a prayerful frame of mind.   [Please select]

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prayer - prayerful - prayerfully