Sentence example with the word 'predeceased'


Last update: September 15, 2015


His Morgenstunden appeared in 1785, and he died as the result of a cold contracted while carrying to his publishers in 1786 the manuscript of a vindication of his friend Lessing, who had predeceased him by five years.   [Please select]


Knox died on November 24, 1572; Mar, the Regent, had predeceased him by a month, leaving Morton in power.   [Please select]


The two sons of William III's uncle Frederick predeceased their father, whose death took place in 1881.   [Please select]


It is most probable that he was a prince who was given royal honours during the lifetime of Amenemhat III, whom he predeceased.   [Please select]

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predecease - predeceased - predecessor