Sentence example with the word 'predynastic'


Last update: August 12, 2015


Reisner & Firth have shown that the early culture of Nubia was closely akin to that of the predynastic Egyptians, which no doubt came from the south.   [Please select]


The contracted bodies are skeletons, as in the case of most of the predynastic bodies.   [Please select]


Of these predynastic kingdoms we know very little, except from legendary sources.   [Please select]


Dynasty 0, however, is no dynasty, and in any case we should prefer to call the "predynastic" dynasty "Dynasty I."   [Please select]


There can be no doubt whatever that the predynastic boats were not seagoing galleys.   [Please select]


This dualism of course often led to actual division and reversion to the predynastic order of things, as, for instance, in the time of the XXIst Dynasty.   [Please select]


Currelly attempted to excavate at Buto, in order to find traces of the predynastic kingdom, but owing to the infiltration of water his efforts were unsuccessful.   [Please select]

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predominating - predynastic - preeing