Sentence example with the word 'preempt'


accroach, appropriate, colonize, conquer, hog, make free with, occupy, prepossess, sequester, subjugate, take it all, take up

Definition n. a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding

Last update: September 26, 2015


"To preempt or wait," Jenn murmured.   [verb]


He said it was much better to preempt attacks than just react to them.   [verb]


"To preempt or wait," Jenn murmured.   [Please select]


Babbitt had discreetly preempted a place beside Louetta on the piano bench.   [Please select]


Among the wild kindreds, even as among men, most things worth having are preempted.   [Please select]


But this region was at once preempted for freedom upon the discovery of gold.   [Please select]


"Lower ten, car seven," was my berth-the one I had bought and found preempted.   [Please select]


The latter was the more popular, perhaps because it seemed at one time that Panama was preempted by De Lesseps' French company.   [Please select]


Around the walls of the yellow parlor, chairs stood two deep, occupied, or preempted by fan or gloves or lacy handkerchief.   [Please select]


A Lilliputian spider-web was stretched over the preempted keyhole, and he fetched a grass-stem and poked out its tiny gray-striped denizen before he inserted the key in the rusted lock.   [Please select]


Gould, who was then extending his railroad system into the preempted field and was also making surveys and had financed a company to build an entirely new railroad from Pittsburgh to the Atlantic Coast.   [Please select]

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- preempt - preemptive