Sentence example with the word 'prelacy'


Definition n. prelates collectively

Last update: October 25, 2015


Church polity is apostolic Presbyterians are accustomed to appeal to the New Testament and to the time when the apostles were still living; and for proof of the apostolicity of prelacy Episcopalians appeal rather to the early Church fathers and to a time when the last of the Apostles had just passed away.'   [Please select]


The hand of the law was to fall heavily upon "popery, prelacy, or licentiousness of opinion."   [Please select]


Didna ye hear him say, that Erastianism was as bad as Prelacy, and that the Indulgence was as bad as Erastianism.   [Please select]


He was probably violent, for he hated the abuses of the times, and he hated Rome and the prelacy.   [Please select]


I've seen more than enough of hanging, quartering, and shooting to convince me that Presbytery is not to be rooted out, nor Prelacy established, by such means.   [Please select]


It may be well to remark here that the Prelacy which was so detested by the people of Scotland was not English Episcopacy, but Scotch Prelacy.   [Please select]

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prejudicing - prelacy - prelate