Sentence example with the word 'presaged'


augured, forecast, foreknown, foreseen, foreshadowed, foreshown, foretokened, foretold, indicated, predicted, prefigured, preindicated, presignified, pretypified, prognosticated, promised, prophesied, signified, threatened

Last update: June 8, 2015


This statesmanlike beginning of a Crusade, preached, as no Crusade had ever been preached before, in a general council of all Europe, presaged well for its success.   [Please select]


His ears were sticking out from his head and he had the naughty boy look that always presaged wisdom.   [Please select]


Wade stretched forth a lean and quivering hand that seemed the symbol of presaged and tragic truth.   [Please select]


Towards the north dark leaden clouds obscured the heavens, and presaged stormy weather.   [Please select]


Jean had drawn the cretonne curtains, but through their chinks streaks of bluish, shadowy light presaged the coming day.   [Please select]


For I felt this scene to be strained and one that hid, or presaged, something I did not comprehend.   [Please select]


They presaged his further deterioration and the ever-present evil of the growing feud.   [Please select]

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presage - presaged - presages