Sentence example with the word 'prese'


Last update: July 1, 2015


This, new system of Warmings, whilst probably too involved Cl ~er to come into general use, must be taken as superseding his der one;1 and perhaps the best course open to botanists is to dect such terms as appear to be helpful, and to use the selected I rrms in a general kind of way and without demanding any prese definitions of them: it must also be borne in mind that the g Ibid.   [Please select]


A questo punto però l'ilarità prese il sopravvento e i due cugini si guardarono in viso ridendo a più non posso.'   [Please select]


La prese per le mani, la contemplò con emozione dicendo: --Tal quale sua madre.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

prescriptive - prese - presence