Sentence example with the word 'pretension'


acting, birthright, disguise, feigned belief, guise, lofty affectations, outward show, pretending, rhetoric, stratagem, veil

Definition n. a false or unsupportable quality

Last update: September 6, 2016


Just like that, any pretension of him being interested in her was gone.   [noun]


He himself eagerly disclaims any pretension to the original conception of the use of electricity as an errand-boy.   [noun]


What but ruin and disaster could be the end of this grotesque pretension.   [noun]


He was a boy of sixteen, of slender form and sallow complexion, dressed with more pretension than taste.   [noun]


It was superficial and commonplace, and abundantly marked with pretension, but to the squire's warped judgment it seemed to have remarkable merit.   [Please select]


It was a large house, of considerable pretension for a village, and Oscar's room was large and handsomely furnished.   [Please select]

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pretenses - pretension - pretensions