Sentence example with the word 'pretentiousness'


Definition n. lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity

Last update: July 15, 2015


Finally, the likeness of an edible species to a warningly coloured inedible one in the same locality is termed " pseudaposematic," in allusion to the pretentiousness or falsity of the warning signal.   [Please select]


A pompous and unintelligent classical pretentiousness dominated them, and they dominated the schools of the middle and upper classes.   [Please select]


They had to appeal for understanding to classes whose education had been free from “classical” pretentiousness.   [Please select]


But even he sometimes winced at the pretentiousness of his mother and his aunts.   [Please select]


But was not my blush far more unworthy than his freedom from all pretentiousness in matters of art.   [Please select]


The offense of pretentiousness is committed oftener perhaps by women than by men, who are usually more natural and direct.   [Please select]


For flagrant examples of pretentiousness (which is the infallible sign of lack of breeding), see page 61.   [Please select]


He saw the years, the brilliant winter days and all the long sweet afternoons which were meant for summery meadows, lost in such brittle pretentiousness.   [Please select]

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pretentiously - pretentiousness - preterite