Sentence example with the word 'prevision'


Definition n. a prophetic vision

Last update: September 11, 2015


Our author has incorporated it as describing the consummation of the prevision contained in xi.   [Please select]


All the above characteristics of instinct can be established by purely external observation, except the fact that instinct does not require prevision.   [Please select]


And her prevision of salvation contended with the dark menace of the hour.   [Please select]


I've a prevision that De Courcelles and Tandakora will stand in our way, but we'll just brush 'em out of it.   [Please select]


He himself had not shown the prevision required by sound military knowledge.   [Please select]


This was no prevision of an emancipation proclamation; but it was assertion of the value of a higher "moral issue."   [Please select]


Prophecy, to all but the anointed, is dangerous and uncertain, but even so, the author cannot forbear attempting to prevision the architecture likely to arise from the wrecks and sediment left by the war.   [Please select]


Science advances facing backward, so what prevision can it have of a miraculous and divinely inspired future--or for the matter of that, of any future at all.   [Please select]

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previously - prevision - previsioning