Sentence example with the word 'prodigals'


Last update: August 25, 2015


The Macedonian kingdoms, strained by continual wars, increasingly divided against themselves, falling often under the sway of prodigals and debauchees, were far 12 sign from realizing the Hellenic idea of sound govern- of ment as against the crude barbaric despotisms of the older East.   [Please select]


Expenses had doubled and redoubled with a velocity which caused even hardened prodigals to view with alarm.   [Please select]


Teaching young men to blame their parents because they are prodigals is nonsense, and injurious nonsense.   [Please select]


"Yet prodigals sometimes turn out better than elder brothers, if we accept the parable," remarked Rona, throwing stones into the water as viciously as if she were aiming at an enemy.   [Please select]


It was a sort of motherly instinct by which he watched over them all, even loved prodigals that wandered over all the study and then set off on adventurous journeys into distant rooms.   [Please select]

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prodigally - prodigals - prodigies