Sentence example with the word 'profanation'


abomination, befoulment, corrupt administration, desecration, fouling, maladministration, misapplication, misfeasance, misuse, pity, profanity, scandal

Definition n. blasphemous behavior

Last update: July 16, 2015


This idea that material representation involves a profanation of divine personages, while disallowing all religious art which goes beyond scroll-work, spirals, flourishes and geometrical designs, yet admits to the full of secular art; and accordingly the iconoclastic emperors replaced the holy pictures in churches with frescoes of hunting scenes, and covered their palaces with garden scenes where men were plucking fruit and birds singing amid the foliage.   [Please select]


Here, contemplation is profanation.   [Please select]


I'll have no profanation neither.'   [Please select]


Blackstone, in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, remarks that "a corruption of morals usually follows a profanation of the Sabbath."   [Please select]


To hear the name by which her father and mother and lover had called her on Andrew Cameron's lips seemed like profanation.   [Please select]


A wall of stones was built around this vast ossuary to preserve it from profanation.   [Please select]


The legend says that the profanation was prevented by an outburst of flames which killed two of the men.   [Please select]


He looked upon married life, with all its hallowed beauty, as a profanation for a priest.   [Please select]


No thought of profanation had entered their minds; it was convenient to lay the pig over the imposing monument, with a man on either side holding the beast and the butcher free-handed.   [Please select]


These precautions came probably from a fear of profanation of the dead, perhaps of their being eaten by a victorious enemy.   [Please select]

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