Sentence example with the word 'prohibitionist'


Definition n. a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages

Last update: October 4, 2015


At the national election in this year the Silver ticket received in Nevada 7264 votes; the Republican 2811; the Democrat 714; and the Prohibitionist 86.   [Please select]


At one time a fellow Brooklyn minister, a staunch Prohibitionist, publicly reproved Mr.   [Please select]


He was a member of the Knights of Labor and was an ardent prohibitionist and, above all, an advocate of currency inflation.   [Please select]


This accounted for the appearance of a lone Prohibitionist who by some miracle appeared biennially in the lower house, and for a prominent labor leader whom Mrs.   [Please select]

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prohibition - prohibitionist - prohibitionists