Sentence example with the word 'prophylaxis'


active treatment, conservative treatment, drip treatment, expectant treatment, hot-air treatment, mental hygiene, preventive dentistry, prophylactodontia, rational treatment, starvation treatment, tonic treatment

Definition n. the prevention of disease

Last update: June 25, 2015


When, for instance, the cause of septic infection had been revealed, the prophylaxis of the disease became a possibility.   [Please select]


"Takes up essential points in evolution, environment, prophylaxis, and sanitation bearing upon the preservation of public health."   [Please select]


_--Treatment is absolutely useless, so far as we know at present, and for all practical purposes prophylaxis alone should be relied upon.   [Please select]


_--Prophylaxis should be carried out along three lines: (1) Separation of the sick from the healthy animals.   [Please select]


There is another possibility, however, which bears on the third line of prophylaxis.   [Please select]

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prophylactics - prophylaxis - propine