Sentence example with the word 'ptomaine'


Definition n. any of various amines

Last update: August 21, 2015


I remember once Mary's aunt--or was it Cook's aunt--one of them any way--nearly died of eating tinned lobster--ptomaine poisoning.   [Please select]


"Or to feed a baby so it won't die of colic, and to keep ptomaine poison out of her ice box."   [Please select]


Margery was very ill by this time and the doctor said she had symptoms of ptomaine poisoning.   [Please select]


I, myself, have had ptomaine poisoning from canned salmon, but I have never since had any trouble about eating salmon.   [Please select]


People who have had ptomaine poisoning sometimes assert that they are afterwards susceptible to poisoning by the kind of food which first made them ill.   [Please select]


Margery was very weak when she woke up and still unable to eat anything, and I believe she had a touch of sunstroke along with her ptomaine poisoning.   [Please select]

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pterylae - ptomaine - ptomaines