Sentence example with the word 'puller'


Definition n. someone who applies force so as to cause motion toward herself or himself

Last update: September 11, 2015


Only one was executed, a poor, uneducated subaltern militia officer Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, nicknamed 0 Tiradentes (the Tooth-puller), the others being imprisoned or banished.   [Please select]


So Oh-Pshaw good-naturedly shifted her role from rocking chair to curtain puller.   [Please select]


Oh, Julie, you're a darling--but you're rather a wire-puller, aren't you.   [Please select]


Monroe gave him a piece of paper, and the wire-puller began to make his calculations.   [Please select]


Colvin's departure, for they were deprived of the assistance of the chief candy-puller.   [Please select]


Above all the din you hear the calls of the hair puller and the sellers of cakes and sweetmeats and sausages.   [Please select]


You've noticed the big barns, sheds and outbuildings, all the modern conveniences for a man, from an electric lantern to a stump puller; everything I'm telling you--and for the nice lady, nix.'   [Please select]

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pulled - puller - pullers