Sentence example with the word 'punctiliousness'


Definition n. strict attention to minute details

Last update: October 18, 2015


He was a true general of the 18th century, not less in his care for the lives of his men than in his punctiliousness and rigidity in matters of discipline.   [Please select]


He had lived on the Green for many years, during which he and the Postman saluted each other with a punctiliousness that it almost drilled one to witness.   [Please select]


It is easy to smile at her punctiliousness on this score; but after all these years, and on the whole, I think she was right.   [Please select]


He was a man who observed with an air of accustomed punctiliousness such social rules and courtesies as he deemed it expedient to consider.   [Please select]


He is full of punctiliousness, decency, order, when he feels like it; of utmost freedom, even license also, when he feels like it.   [Please select]


No, for she attended to her duties with her usual punctiliousness; no, for the strong do not allow themselves to be thus paralysed by the weak.   [Please select]


Smith would do her the honor to take a dish of tea with her, we still--notwithstanding the present flagrant disregard of old-fashioned convention--send our formal invitations, acceptances and regrets, in the prescribed punctiliousness of the third person.   [Please select]

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punctiliously - punctiliousness - punctual