Sentence example with the word 'purposefully'


Definition adv. in a purposeful manner

Last update: October 19, 2015


He slammed the door and strode purposefully around to the other side, jerking the driver's side door open.   [Please select]


Organization of Literature: The literature of a school reader, if it is to do effective work, must be purposefully organized.   [Please select]


He studied his trustee list now more purposefully than he had ever pored over his faculty line up.   [Please select]


He continued, purposefully, to distract her, holding her with his honest, friendly eyes.   [Please select]


He felt about purposefully, and backed out, dragging a trap with him.   [Please select]


Here, for instance, is a little bit of Sandro Botticelli background; I have purposefully sketched it in the slightest way, that you might see how the entire value of it depends on thoughtful placing.   [Please select]


Detailed comments on the herpetofauna of the Tuxtlas have been omitted purposefully, for the reptiles and amphibians of the region currently are being studied by Douglas Robinson.   [Please select]

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purposeful - purposefully - purposefulness