Sentence example with the word 'quadrilateral'


bifacial, cubic, flanked, handed, one-sided, quadric, quartic, rhomboid, tetragonal, trapezoid, unilateral

Definition adj. having four sides

Last update: September 24, 2015


A figure is quadrilateral when it is plane and has four sides.   [Please select]


The island is a quadrilateral with hollowed sides, about 12 m.   [Please select]


_Scuta_, convex, unusually thick, oblong, quadrilateral, with the occludent margin the longest; lateral margin slightly hollowed out.   [Please select]


_Peduncle_, about twice as long as the capitulum; the scales of the uppermost whorl are quadrilateral (fig.)   [Please select]


_Terga_, seen externally, are almost quadrilateral (owing to the apex being truncated), with the free margin facing the scutum, arched.   [Please select]


Quadrilateral Fontanel Bones in a Peruvian Male Skull, encroaching upon the Mastoid Angle of the Parietals.   [Please select]


), and between the quadrilateral (or quadrangle) and the vein descending from the nodus.   [Please select]


Supra-triangular space: in Anisoptera, an area just above the triangle, occupying nearly the same position as the quadrilateral of Zygoptera: hyper-trigonal space.   [Please select]


In the interior of this I found a _dolmen_ or quadrilateral wall about 10 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4-1/2 feet wide.   [Please select]


In both ancient and modern pueblo work, windows, used only as such, seem to have been universally quadrilateral, offsets and steps being confined exclusively to doorways.   [Please select]


Between them stood part of Pope's army, the whole of which occupied an irregular quadrilateral formed by lines joining the following points: Warrenton Junction, Bristoe Station, Gainesville, and Thoroughfare Gap.   [Please select]

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quadriga - quadrilateral - quadrille