Sentence example with the word 'quagmires'


Last update: July 13, 2015


Above the Caspian, the water of these streams is supposed to form saline deposits with a thin hard crust, beneath which the moisture is retained for a considerable time, thus producing those dangerous and slimy quagmires which in winter are covered with brine, in summer with a treacherous incrustation of salt.   [Please select]


"I will risk the quagmires and the windy coach."   [Please select]


"Here is no path but willow swamps and quagmires," answered Dick.   [Please select]


There are quagmires even in the middle of it, where a man may sink in and be never heard of again.   [Please select]


There was no paving of the streets, which, now deep in dust, would turn to quagmires when the rain came.   [Please select]


Coal could only be formed where there were bogs and quagmires.   [Please select]


Twelve hours of it had made rivers of the streets, quagmires of the roads, and covered the crossings ankle-deep with mud.   [Please select]


It was over cliffs and chasms and quagmires, where his foot might slip at any step.   [Please select]


In this wild solitude, the mossy fens, with their quagmires oozing with iridescent pools, supplied the cows, the principal source of wealth, with rich, wet grass.   [Please select]


All the way along, on both sides of this highway where only the crosses remain standing, are trenches twenty times blown in and re-hollowed, cavities--some with passages into them--hurdles on quagmires.   [Please select]

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quagmire - quagmires - quahaug