Sentence example with the word 'quicksands'


Last update: July 3, 2015


Poetsch in 1883, and originally applied to shafts passing through quicksands above brown coal seams, has been applied with advantage in opening new pits through the secondary and tertiary strata above the coal measures in the north of France and Belgium, some of the most successful examples being those at Lens, Anzin and Vicq, in the north of France basin.   [Please select]


To the rainbow sands--but on looking at them she saw that they were quivering quicksands.   [Please select]


You see that we do move about, though somewhat warily, in these regions of political quicksands.   [Please select]


Crossing the Quicksands; or, The Veritable Adventures of Hal and Ned upon the Pacific Slope.   [Please select]


This terrified the sailors, who feared they might be driven on hidden rocks or be engulfed in quicksands.   [Please select]


They're like children, many of 'em, trying to walk on quicksands.   [Please select]


As they were afraid that they might run ashore on the African quicksands, they lowered the sail and drifted.   [Please select]

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quicksand - quicksands - quickset