Sentence example with the word 'quids'


Last update: October 24, 2015


Nicholson (1770-1817) of Maryland, he was a leader of the group of about ten independents, called the "Quids," who strongly criticized Jefferson and opposed the presidential candidature of Madison.   [Please select]


Now, if it had been you, guv'nor, that had found the quids, nobody would have troubled you.'   [Please select]


Sometimes a dozen or more of these "quids" will be found in the manger or on the stable floor.   [Please select]


This was of course received with a shout of laughter, and unlimited offers of quids while they assisted him to rise.   [Please select]


"Now then, Long Orrick, if ye look sharp we'll cheat 'em again, and chew our quids and drink our grog free of dooty."   [Please select]


When the House finally outvoted him and his faction, soon to be known as the "Quids," and the Senate had concurred, precious weeks had been lost.   [Please select]

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quidnuncs - quids - quiescence