Sentence example with the word 'quietism'


a wise passiveness, compliance, fallow mind, inanity, meekness, nonviolent resistance, peace, quietude, slumber, thoughtlessness, wise passiveness

Definition n. a form of religious mysticism requiring withdrawal from all human effort and passive contemplation of God

Last update: July 26, 2015


The gloom and harshness of these Spanish mystics are absent from the tender, contemplative spirit of Francois de Sales (1567-1622); and in the quietism Fof Mme Guyon (1648-1717) and Miguel de Molinos (1627-1696) there is again a sufficient implication of mystical doctrine to rouse the suspicion of the ecclesiastical authorities.   [Please select]


In a letter of fourteen sheets, he turned her attention from this painful topic towards a discussion of Quietism.   [Please select]


The Quaker's doctrine of the inward light, his quietism, contemplation, and advanced ideas were quite incomprehensible to them.   [Please select]


Under them was the strength of rocks; around them the noiseless growth of needful things; above them the upward-drawing light: two working children of the New World, two pieces of Nature's quietism.   [Please select]


For the immediate sacrifice was very real to a youth trained in quietism and non-resistance, and well aware, as a Whig journalist, of the ostracism visited upon the active Abolitionists.   [Please select]

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