Sentence example with the word 'ramrods'


Last update: October 9, 2015


The command was given to load, and the ramrods soon rang in the gun-barrels.   [Please select]


The two Germans, posed like ramrods, expected to see such informality shoved out bodily.   [Please select]


The steel ramrods clanked and clanged with incessant din as the men pounded them furiously into the hot rifle barrels.   [Please select]


Their curving front bristled with flashes and the place resounded with the clangor of their ramrods.   [Please select]


Their ramrods clanged loud with fury as their eager arms pounded the cartridges into the rifle barrels.   [Please select]


Strips of the antelope were fried on the ends of ramrods, and they ate plentifully.   [Please select]


The lamp on the table was low and she turned up the wick, then threw up her arms like ramrods, in delight.   [Please select]


It was about four feet square, and on sounding it with one of the ramrods, they found it was about the same in depth, the water coming to within a foot of the top.   [Please select]


It did not pour--there were no drops--it roared a cataract of never-ending ramrods, as thick as your finger, straight down from the black sky right through to the very vitals of the earth.   [Please select]

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ramrod - ramrods - ramshackle