Sentence example with the word 'ranchos'


Last update: September 25, 2015


Miguel de los Ranchos which he visited was "of the same nature as those in use before the introduction of Christianity."   [Please select]


[Illustration: La Catedral y la Plaza] En el norte hay extensos ranchos donde se crían caballos y ovejas y ganado vacuno.   [Please select]


Hay en Méjico más de 20,000 ranchos dedicados a la cría de ganado vacuno.   [Please select]


The ranchos by the road were tenantless--many of them wrecked, not a few of them entirely gone; where they had stood, a ray of black ashes marking the outline of their slight walls.   [Please select]


They had constructed houses and ranchos, introduced cattle, and commenced their plantations, but without taking any precautions against sudden attacks or providing themselves with extra means of defense.   [Please select]

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rancho - ranchos - rancid